Boobs and My Mom

My mom went in for a mammogram a few weeks back where they found an abnormality in one of her breasts and determined she would need to have a biopsy for further testing. She later received a phone call that confirmed she has a form of breast cancer called Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS). 

That is most obviously the bad news. The good news is that they classified her cancer as Stage 0.

One of the doctors explained it as so: You know those pink ribbons people wear for cancer? Well, you get to be a white ribbon with a little pink dot. But that little pink dot is still cancer, so we need to get it out.

Because the cancer was caught so early the treatment isn’t as defined as it would be had she been diagnosed with a more progressed Stage. Options are almost always a good thing, but they can certainly make things a little more confusing…

A. Lumpectomy
B. Mastectomy

Not a decision you can really take lightly.

Options A. and B. danced around our heads for some time, I’m sure most heavily in my mothers. Google it, I dare you ;) you’ll find resources upon resources on treatment options for DCIS Stage 0. Unfortunately we've had some dear friends who've already had to deal with DCIS first hand, we appreciate their support, guidance and advice.

My mom has elected to have a lumpectomy. Once a lumpectomy is complete, the tissue is sent off for testing where they determine her chances of recurrence as well as whether or not there is a need for radiation or medication. We like to think of this option as more of a walk, then run outlook.

Enough with the words… Below you’ll find photos of just a few of the things we’ve done since my mom received that dreaded little phone call. I hope you enjoy the photos but more importantly I hope you will join us prayer for my mom as she goes into this week and becomes cancer free.