Surprise MOH trip to Colorado.

It’s fair to say that you’ve felt left out
But there’s no time to sigh and pout
You’ve been here and I’ve been home
You’re crazy to think I could do this alone
It makes me sad that you’ve been away
I need you home to try on dresses, okay!

Fashion trends are hit or miss
But rest assured it can’t get as bad as this
I promise to find you a dress that looks swell
But there are a few things you must promise as well.

Maid of Honor duties:
Feel Beautiful
Hold some gorgeous flowers
Wipe away my happy tears
Understand how much your presence is appreciated
Challenge me to a dance-off
Know how much I love you

If you think you’re up for the task, a photo of you in this dress is all I ask.

Will you be my maid of honor?

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